Our Financial Planning Process | Discovery Wealth Management

Every meeting we have with our clients is designed with the goal of improving your financial position. Below is an outline of what our process looks like. All meetings can be conducted virtually or in person depending on circumstance.


1. Discovery (one meeting)

This meeting is all about you. The primary purpose of this meeting is to point you in the right direction, or confirm you are already headed that way. It is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and to learn more about your desires, your hopes, dreams & goals for the future.

We will also do a high level review of your financial situation to learn more about what you are doing, etc. You will also gain an understanding of how we help people. If we agree we would like to work together we will agree to a course of action for our next steps, sign a financial planning engagement agreement detailing the work we will be doing for you and your obligations to us.

2. Strategy (one to two meetings)

At this stage we will review your current financial position, confirming your hopes, dreams & goals for the future. We will review your current plan/method for growing your wealth and conduct an initial analysis of your current financial situation to establish a baseline for comparison to alternative strategies. If you wish to pursue any of our strategies, we will agree on a course of action. This is a fun stage where we run simulations and scientifically test the results of our advice using our proprietary model in advance to see what will work best for you and your money given your unique situation going forward. We compare your current plan to a variety of alternate solutions, going over each one and figuring out which aspects you like and dislike about all of them. You will come away with a clear understanding of how your money is working for you today and into the future.

3. Implement (one meeting)

At this point we will have gathered enough information to provide a specific recommendation based on the strategies you want to take advantage of. It is highly customized for your situation and is based upon what you wanted and liked from all the options we previously discussed. We then review an implementation document which gives you a road map to make all of this a reality.

4. Monitor (ongoing)

A great financial plan needs to be updated and adjusted on a regular basis. Life happens and we want to make sure any changes are reflected in your financial life as needed. Plan on communicating with us year round and meeting with us no less than once a year to review and chat about any changes that may have happened in your life. We will continue to strategize around your financial situation to continually improve your overall financial picture.